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Your Trusted Partner in Financial Growth

Guiding Traditional Industries to the Blockchain


Taking your business to the next level


Feasibility Studies

90% of startups fail, whereas 80% of existing companies will establish accelerated growth once they integrate and use new & innovative financial technologies. 


Business Plans

We are here to assist in analyzing, reviewing, assigning value and launching your newly improved business plan to the blockchain.


Finance Optimization

Diversifying risk, offering direct access to global funding through and cutting out the middlemen are just a few examples of our capabilities and commitments.

Facts and Figures

We’re good with numbers


Years of Experience


Qualified Experts



Every Year


International Partners

About Us

Kamermans Holding was founded in 1989 as a vehicle to group all her fixed assets together. These assets were used by different operating companies owned and operated by the same founding members. The company also participated in the founding, acquisition and sale of other companies during the decades that followed, both on- and offshore.

Our main objective is still focused on the real estate market but also on innovative technology which can create accelerated growth and improve efficiency in doing business.


Caladex SRO

Caladex SRO is the result of  the integration of innovative technology. In this case we are referring to Blockchain Technology that opened a new era of possibilities for many industries.  The design, creation and development of the platform called was a collaboration between multiple free lancers all over the world and our affiliated companies providing the means to do  so. 



Kamermans Holding LLC

Antony HP Kamermans, MBA  - COO

John G. Kamermans, MSc - CEO

Caladex SRO

Chao Long Piao - Full Stack Developer

Country: Hong Kong

James LIng - Backend Developer

Country: USA

Pauline Tatter - Regulated United Europe

Country: Czech Republic

Marcel Vervenne - Ambassador

Country: The Netherlands

Rogier Schoonen - Ambassador

Region: The Caribbean

Onipede Kayode IV - Ambassador

Country: NIgeria

Edward Allada - Ambassador

Country: Philippines



What our clients say

"When I approached the CEO of Kamermans Holding due to his passion for crypto currency, with the crazy idea to develop and build a platform for existing traditional industries to tokenize tangible and intangible assets, his first reaction was, "it's all startups and tech companies, the whole idea seems ridiculous, where would I start?". Fast forward 2 years and "he actually did it".  

Marcel Vervenne - Crypto Ambassador

“Caladex is not only a great cryptographic achievement that offers a wide variety of services on her platform but the team also advocates and encourages other companies active in any kind of industry to  create and list their tokens for free, and incorporate blockchain technology into their day to day operations”. “Like wise, I consider their native CAX and KAMHOL token a good investment in the same way that anything scarce can be considered valuable”.

Heri Pandjaitan - Caladex Member

Affiliated companies

United in Excellence: 

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